Our Faith

Alpha House believes in the ministries of compassion and love because of the example Christ set before men and women in the Scriptures. We believe that since Jesus said to "love your neighbor as yourself" (Matt. 19:19), that we are to show our love to our co-inhabitants of this earth in every way possible.

We believe that every woman should be given the chance to be free from abuse. That is why we give each woman a safe haven to come to, leave their old lives, and start anew (first at Alpha House, and then at the woman’s new home that we helped her to achieve), and in a new relationship with Jesus Christ.

Alpha House has faith that through the Lord Jesus Christ we will be able to serve the women and children of California who are experiencing any sort of abuse to the best of our abilities. It is our on-going goal to continue to offer shelter and the opportunity for homeless women to create a brighter future for themselves and their children. We want to be a part of the ministry of Christ by helping individuals escape abusive homes, locate housing and employment, and create a new life for themselves and their children.

We believe that the only way that we have received success has been because of the grace of God and because of the hearts of compassion that God has put into the people in the California area to help serve these abused women and children.
Through the strength and grace of Christ Jesus, we hope to continue in our services to the women of California by providing:

 - Case management and mentoring programs which equip women to build stable and independent lives.

 - A safe haven with 24 hour admittance for women and their dependant children suffering the effects of domestic violence.

 - A 24-hour Crisis Help Line.
 - A place where women can remove themselves and their children from destructive, unsafe environments and break the cycle of domestic violence for the next generation.
 - Domestic violence and sexual assault prevention education for community groups, schools, churches, and businesses, preventing future abuse cases.

 - We believe that the only way that we have received success has been because of the grace of God and because of the hearts of compassion that God has put into the people in the California area to help serve these abused women and children.


Alpha House hopes that God will give us the ability to reach the goals that we have set forth for ourselves in the years to come:
 - That 95% of the calls to the 24-hour crisis line (providing immediate access to safety and services that our trained staff members operate at our facility) that we receive will result in each caller having resources and information provided to ensure that her safety needs are met in the best way possible for each individual woman.

 - That 100% of women who are referred for emergency housing will receive resources necessary to find safety, whether in our 1,800 square foot, 9-bed safe housing facility in Kern County, California or in another facility that can provide safety for the women.

 - That 95% of all residents will have a written needs-assessment that addresses their emotional, physical, personal and financial needs involving goal setting and life skills development and that outcome records will demonstrate that 95%of those with needs-assessments will be connected with resources meeting their areas of need.

 - That each year we continue to educate over 500 community members via speaking engagements, our quarterly newsletter, teen dating violence programs, church outreach in order to teach them about the effects of domestic violence and where to receive assistance if they are abused or know someone who is being abused. We hope to continue to link law enforcement agencies, social service providers, health care professionals, clergy, school district employees and any interested community group to educational resources to enable them to better understand and be able to serve abused women and children.

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